Saturday, March 26, 2016

Disabled Fiber Artists Ravelry Group Phoenix Block

Hi! This pattern is my first. It is FREE. Just click the image and print it out. I created two, not sure what the different between a knit and crochet graph is, but I did my best. If you have suggestions, feel free to let me know.

This  pattern block is 100 stitches across. Each small block is 5 stitches each. They are in 'Easy Read' format from the pattern creator software. TBH I don't see a difference between the two patterns, but hey...

If you use this pattern, let me know how it turns out. I used black and white for ease of creation, but you can use any two colors that you think would look great together.

If you are wondering 'why a phoenix? Disabled people - all types of disabilities- need to understand that they are just like the phoenix. Our disabilities are the fires that temper our rebirth from the ashes of our old lives.

If you are disabled or know someone who is and would like to join a group of other disabled creative types, we'd love to have you!

Disabled Fiber Artists on Ravelry

For those of you coming for the pattern, here's the Crochet Version :